The Importance of Glutathione

Welcome, this website will provide information about the importance of glutathione for each cell of the human body, and information on Max International products and their vital role in your health and wellness.

Glutathione is a tripeptide molecule created by every cell and performs many vital functions. Glutathione is the main protector of our cells, it provides protection against free radicals, chemical toxins, radiation and heavy metals.

Antioxidants that are ingested and not manufactured by the body, such as vitamin C or E, cannot be reused by the cell after they are used up unless they are first converted to a usable state. Glutathione is the agent that converts those antioxidants into a state that can be used by the cell.

Protection from Free Radicals

Glutathione is considered the master antioxidant due to its unique multifunctional characteristics, as well as its ability to neutralize many types of cell-attacking free radicals. It is one of the only antioxidants that can be recycled over and over again to continuously combat free radicals. Glutathione decreases inflammation and supports the immune system.


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